Mostly I just putter.

Doctoral student, amateur cook, beginning sewer.

Mostly I just putter.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Life in Bullet Points

Summer is slipping away from me...and not in a "we've done lots of fun things" kind of way. The Mister and I will be sitting down with the calendar soon and blocking off weekends where we don't schedule anything except "FUN!".

On a positive note, my flowers are blooming and going outside to check on them every day brings me a lot of joy.

Remainder of summer resolutions:
* Have my morning coffee in the backyard every weekend.
* Do at least 3 more hikes.
* Hit the farmer's markets at least 3 more times.
* Pray more, stress less.

Can you tell I've been grading lesson plans this morning? My objectives are specific and measurable!